Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is it all worth it?

As in any job, there are days when it is difficult, when nothing goes right and you get to wondering, "Is it all worth it?"

Lucky for me, after an especially difficult day when I had worked for 13 hours and dealt with teenage girl drama, I had my answer. As I was saying good night, I was amazed by how they had all transformed. They were no longer angry at me for telling them what to do, they were no longer upset about boyfriends or friends, itstead, they were sweet and grateful to be loved. And as I went around to their beds and heard "Goodnight mommy," "I love you," "See you tommorrow," I knew that nothing could be so difficult to make this not worth it.



Monday, April 7, 2008


My family just left last week. It was really amazing to have them in town and to share part of my experience with them. Although, I can tell you that a year felt a lot longer once they left.

They were here for a week and we went to the pyramids in Mexico City and spent some time in Cuernavaca. Danny and Dad did wrestling clinics for the kids even though Danny was fighting some stomach problems. The kids loved it and it was really awesome to see the connection they made with the kids in such a short amount of time and with their limited language skills. Danny was very popular and I only receive about 50 questions and comments about him every day...Your parents and your brother they left? Where did they go? When are they coming back? We didn't want him to leave? You are my sister-in-law right?